Foundations of Population Health
Each component is structured into domains that include topic areas and illustrative examples.

1. Descriptive Epidemiology: The Health of Populations
Topic Areas
A. Burden of disease and injury
Illustrative Examples
Morbidity and mortality
B. Course of disease and injury
Incidence, prevalence, case‐fatality
C. Determinants of health, disease, and injury
Genetic, behavioral, socioeconomic, environmental, access to health care, quality of health care
D. Distribution of disease and injury
Person, place, time
E. Data sources
County/state/national vital statistics, active and passive public health surveillance
2. Etiology, Benefits and Harms–Health Research Evaluation |
A. Study designs
Surveys, observational studies, randomized clinical trials
B. Estimation ‐ magnitude of association
Relative risk/odds ratio, attributable risk percentage, number needed to treat, population impact measures
C. Inference
Statistical significance test, confidence intervals
D. Data quality
Accuracy, bias, confounding, error, interaction, precision
E. Data presentation
Interpretation of data; presentation of data in tables and graphs
3. Evidence-Based Practice |
A. Assessing the quality of the evidence
Types and quality of studies and relevance to target population
B. Assessing the magnitude of the effect
Incorporating benefits, harms, values
C. Nationally recognized guidelines
Standards, methods and grading criteria used for establishing guidelines
4. Implementation of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Interventions
A. Types of prevention
Primary, secondary, tertiary
B. Target audience for direct interventions
Individuals, high risk groups, populations
C. Recognition of the effect of social determinants of health on the receipt of preventive services
Income, education, access to transportation, culture
D. Role of the clinician and interprofessional team in improving the health of populations
Education, incentives for behavior change, the role for genomics in clinical practice, advocacy (laws/policies; engineering/environmental solutions)
E. Practice-based systems to aid with the provision of preventive services
Electronic record reminders for clinicians and patients; outreach to patients using new technologies; home visits by community health/outreach workers; use and limitations of social media
F. Impact of a population health focus on the health of individuals and communities
Community-based approaches to facilitate healthy weight and active lifestyles
5. Determinants of Health |
A. Impact of social factors on individual behaviors
Educational and employment opportunities, norms and attitudes, income
B. Impact on health of the unaltered environment, altered environment and built environment
Climate change, environmental contamination, built environment and community planning that supports active lifestyles
C. Impact of policy and law as determinants of health and disease
Zoning laws and the proximity of residential areas to sources of pollution, green space, and nutritious food; full-day kindergarten and high school completion programs to support educational attainment; tenant-based rental assistance programs to decrease crime.
D. Importance of health care as a determinant of health
Early detection, prenatal care, chronic disease management
E. Relationship between human health, animal health and ecosystem health and implications for emerging infectious disease and geographic spread of disease
Antibiotic resistance, environmental changes and impact on humans and animals
6. Population Health Informatics
A. Collection and utilization of population health data to assess population health, guide the provision of health care services and analyze health outcomes
Shared data standards for information collected in electronic health records and community settings to better inform clinical practices and the community about the health status and needs of populations
B. Timely and accurate documentation and delivery of information about preventive services and reportable diseases to public health agencies
Use of electronic health records to track/report quality outcomes; the provision of preventive health services.
7. Evaluation
A. Process and outcome assessments
Measuring outcomes based on population health measures; compliance with legal and ethical principles
B. Decision analyses
Cost-effectiveness, cost-benefit, and cost-utility
C. Quality improvement processes
Patient safety; Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle; clinical practice improvement (CPI); root cause analyses