Social Determinants of Health
International Resources:
2013, Poverty Tool, Ontario College of Family Physicians and Health Providers Against Poverty
A clinical tool for primary care in Ontario, Canada that addresses the major health risks associated with poverty. Additional resource links are provided to address the health risks linked to poverty being equivalent to hypertension, high cholesterol, and smoking.
2016, Social Determinants of Health (SDH). World Health Organization (WHO).
The World Health Organization SDH Unit has developed priority areas to help support and strengthen the capacity for countries to promote health equity.
2016, Determinants of Health. Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).
PAHO provides resources for News and Events related to World Conferences on the SDOH and various other research documents related to health inequalities.
2013, Poverty Tool, Ontario College of Family Physicians and Health Providers Against Poverty
A clinical tool for primary care in Ontario, Canada that addresses the major health risks associated with poverty. Additional resource links are provided to address the health risks linked to poverty being equivalent to hypertension, high cholesterol, and smoking.
2016, Social Determinants of Health (SDH). World Health Organization (WHO).
The World Health Organization SDH Unit has developed priority areas to help support and strengthen the capacity for countries to promote health equity.
2016, Determinants of Health. Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).
PAHO provides resources for News and Events related to World Conferences on the SDOH and various other research documents related to health inequalities.
National Resources:
2008, CDC - Promoting Health Equity
A Resource to Help Communities Address Social Determinants of Health
Interactive online resource that links health literacy universal precautions to a Chronic Care Model.
2016, Social Determinants of Health for Rural People
Rural residents are more likely to experience some of the contributing social factors that impact health, such as poverty.
2010, Robert Johnson Foundation
A New Way to Talk About the Social Determinants of Health
Portfolio describes using data and information to focus on change and the use of best practice language to frame social determinants of health.
2016, Institute of Medicine
A Framework for Educating Health Professionals to Address the Social Determinants of Health
A brief report on the social determinants of health educating health professional using figures and models. The conceptual model provided is a guide to help health professionals the ways in which communities, education, and organizations work together to reduce health inequities.
2014, Healthy People 2020: About Determinants of Health
An overview of the Determinants of Health using broad categories including: policymaking, social factors, health services, individual behavior, biology and genetics. A short video is provided showing the framework for reaching the goals for Healthy People 2020.
2016, Health Impact Assessment: The determinants of health, World Health Organization
Components for completing a health impact assessment (HIA) for social determinants include transportation, food and agriculture, housing, waste, energy, industry, and urbanization. Addressing an evidence base for the impact of programs and policies for the factors is key for an HIA.
2015, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Social Determinants of Health. Available at:
Numerous useful sources are included on the social determinants of health. Starting with slide sets on country level data on factors such as poverty, income, and education. The public health report provides useful articles on how to apply the social determinants of health to practice in public health. The NCHHSTP White paper on determinants of health.
2016, World Conference on Social Determinants of Health. Case Studies on Social Determinants of Health.
A list of case studies is provided from different countries such as from Chile, Canada, and Brazil. The provided case studies represent successful case studies of actions using policy t help reduce health inequities.
2014, APTR Public Health Learning Module - Social Determinants of Health: A Lens for Public Health
The learning module includes lecture materials with videos and slides aimed at completing three objectives. Such objectives include identifying the five domains of social determinants of health in Healthy People 2020 and examining the impact of SDOH via a practical application.
2014, National Research Mentoring Network (NRHM) Health Research Talks –
Episode 1: Social Determinants of Health
This eight-video series provides an overview of research careers related to community-based health and health disparities.
2016, The Community Toolbox, Section 5. Addressing Social Determinants and Development
The toolbox provides definitions for income inequality, social connectedness, and collective efficacy to pave the way to explain the social determinants of health. Additional tabs are used to facilitate learning such as examples of the effects on determinants of health on populations, and a PowerPoint that summarize the major topics.
2008, World Health Organization (WHO). Commission on Social Determinants of Health - FInal Report. "Closing the gap in a generation: Health equity through action on the cocial determinats of health."
2011, National Association of County & City Health Officials (NACCHO). Considering the Social Determinants of Health Inequities. 2008, World Health Organization (WHO). Commission on Social Determinants of Health - FInal Report. "Closing the gap in a generation: Health equity through action on the cocial determinats of health."
In this PowerPoint, NACCHO helps break down the complexity behind explaining the Social Determinants of Health through use of terminology, root causes, changing questions, and more.
2008, CDC - Promoting Health Equity
A Resource to Help Communities Address Social Determinants of Health
Interactive online resource that links health literacy universal precautions to a Chronic Care Model.
2016, Social Determinants of Health for Rural People
Rural residents are more likely to experience some of the contributing social factors that impact health, such as poverty.
2010, Robert Johnson Foundation
A New Way to Talk About the Social Determinants of Health
Portfolio describes using data and information to focus on change and the use of best practice language to frame social determinants of health.
2016, Institute of Medicine
A Framework for Educating Health Professionals to Address the Social Determinants of Health
A brief report on the social determinants of health educating health professional using figures and models. The conceptual model provided is a guide to help health professionals the ways in which communities, education, and organizations work together to reduce health inequities.
2014, Healthy People 2020: About Determinants of Health
An overview of the Determinants of Health using broad categories including: policymaking, social factors, health services, individual behavior, biology and genetics. A short video is provided showing the framework for reaching the goals for Healthy People 2020.
2016, Health Impact Assessment: The determinants of health, World Health Organization
Components for completing a health impact assessment (HIA) for social determinants include transportation, food and agriculture, housing, waste, energy, industry, and urbanization. Addressing an evidence base for the impact of programs and policies for the factors is key for an HIA.
2015, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Social Determinants of Health. Available at:
Numerous useful sources are included on the social determinants of health. Starting with slide sets on country level data on factors such as poverty, income, and education. The public health report provides useful articles on how to apply the social determinants of health to practice in public health. The NCHHSTP White paper on determinants of health.
2016, World Conference on Social Determinants of Health. Case Studies on Social Determinants of Health.
A list of case studies is provided from different countries such as from Chile, Canada, and Brazil. The provided case studies represent successful case studies of actions using policy t help reduce health inequities.
2014, APTR Public Health Learning Module - Social Determinants of Health: A Lens for Public Health
The learning module includes lecture materials with videos and slides aimed at completing three objectives. Such objectives include identifying the five domains of social determinants of health in Healthy People 2020 and examining the impact of SDOH via a practical application.
2014, National Research Mentoring Network (NRHM) Health Research Talks –
Episode 1: Social Determinants of Health
This eight-video series provides an overview of research careers related to community-based health and health disparities.
2016, The Community Toolbox, Section 5. Addressing Social Determinants and Development
The toolbox provides definitions for income inequality, social connectedness, and collective efficacy to pave the way to explain the social determinants of health. Additional tabs are used to facilitate learning such as examples of the effects on determinants of health on populations, and a PowerPoint that summarize the major topics.
2008, World Health Organization (WHO). Commission on Social Determinants of Health - FInal Report. "Closing the gap in a generation: Health equity through action on the cocial determinats of health."
2011, National Association of County & City Health Officials (NACCHO). Considering the Social Determinants of Health Inequities. 2008, World Health Organization (WHO). Commission on Social Determinants of Health - FInal Report. "Closing the gap in a generation: Health equity through action on the cocial determinats of health."
In this PowerPoint, NACCHO helps break down the complexity behind explaining the Social Determinants of Health through use of terminology, root causes, changing questions, and more.
Selected State Resources:
2014, Introduction to Public Health in North Carolina Training Series
Determinants of Health and Health Disparities
An interactive video that describes the social determinants of health and leads to a connection with the ecological model. Quizzes are embedded throughout to check a level of understanding.
2005, Social Determinants of Health. An Improved Understanding of Health in New Mexico
This document addresses how the social determinants of health are being addressed within New Mexico versus just at the national level.
2014, Introduction to Public Health in North Carolina Training Series
Determinants of Health and Health Disparities
An interactive video that describes the social determinants of health and leads to a connection with the ecological model. Quizzes are embedded throughout to check a level of understanding.
2005, Social Determinants of Health. An Improved Understanding of Health in New Mexico
This document addresses how the social determinants of health are being addressed within New Mexico versus just at the national level.
Local Resources:
2012, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies
Place Matters for Health in Baltimore
Health in Baltimore described by the following social determinants of health: education, environment, and neighborhood quality.
2009, ARC Fifty Forward
A Vision for the Future of Metro Atlanta
Resource describes drivers of change using the social determinants of health within the Metro Atlanta.
2011-2015, Monterey County Health Department
Strategic plan
Health Department uses three strategic initiatives to address social disparities in Monterey County and a regional team approach to move forward.,%202011/S-3%20Final.Health%20Strat%20Plan.%20Proposed.pdf
2013, Denver County Community Health Improvement
Community Engagement and Prioritization
Resource for Denver County uses visual graphics to improve the quality of life through healthy eating and physical activity.
2016, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Center on Society and Health
Richmond Health Equity Report
A visual infographic and map to show the social determinants of health based on Richmond, Virginia’s Health Equity. Access is also available to the full report.
2016, Examples of High Quality CHAs and CHIPSs. National Association of County & City Health Officials (NACCHO)
NACCHO provides a list of twelve local health department who were funded to commit to a community process for health improvement. Two good examples were specifically selected below in Pasadena, California and in East Central Kansas.
2012, Pasadena/ Altadena 2012 Quality of Life Index. Pasadena, CA: City of Pasadena Public Health Department. E Walsh, M Feaster, G Namdar, T Yoko, W Zhang, K Folkins.
In this Quality of Life Index, Pasadena Public Health Department’s mission is highlighted. The mission is to promote the physical, social, and mental well-being of all who live, work, worship, and play in Pasadena. Pasadena could evaluate their strengths and weaknesses as a city to move toward the overall goal of health equity.
2012, Community Health Assessment Community Health Improvement Plan
East Central Kansas Public Health Region.
In this endeavor, local health departments joined with additional community members to conduct a region wide health assessment in the East Central Kansas Region and to develop a region wide health improvement plan (CHIP). This document presents the findings of that effort.
2012, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies
Place Matters for Health in Baltimore
Health in Baltimore described by the following social determinants of health: education, environment, and neighborhood quality.
2009, ARC Fifty Forward
A Vision for the Future of Metro Atlanta
Resource describes drivers of change using the social determinants of health within the Metro Atlanta.
2011-2015, Monterey County Health Department
Strategic plan
Health Department uses three strategic initiatives to address social disparities in Monterey County and a regional team approach to move forward.,%202011/S-3%20Final.Health%20Strat%20Plan.%20Proposed.pdf
2013, Denver County Community Health Improvement
Community Engagement and Prioritization
Resource for Denver County uses visual graphics to improve the quality of life through healthy eating and physical activity.
2016, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Center on Society and Health
Richmond Health Equity Report
A visual infographic and map to show the social determinants of health based on Richmond, Virginia’s Health Equity. Access is also available to the full report.
2016, Examples of High Quality CHAs and CHIPSs. National Association of County & City Health Officials (NACCHO)
NACCHO provides a list of twelve local health department who were funded to commit to a community process for health improvement. Two good examples were specifically selected below in Pasadena, California and in East Central Kansas.
2012, Pasadena/ Altadena 2012 Quality of Life Index. Pasadena, CA: City of Pasadena Public Health Department. E Walsh, M Feaster, G Namdar, T Yoko, W Zhang, K Folkins.
In this Quality of Life Index, Pasadena Public Health Department’s mission is highlighted. The mission is to promote the physical, social, and mental well-being of all who live, work, worship, and play in Pasadena. Pasadena could evaluate their strengths and weaknesses as a city to move toward the overall goal of health equity.
2012, Community Health Assessment Community Health Improvement Plan
East Central Kansas Public Health Region.
In this endeavor, local health departments joined with additional community members to conduct a region wide health assessment in the East Central Kansas Region and to develop a region wide health improvement plan (CHIP). This document presents the findings of that effort.
Other Recommended Resources
2009, Unnatural Causes: Is inequality making us sick?
Lessons, activities, and learning opportunities for students and teachers are provided to help explore health equity through the use of several case studies.
2012, Social Determinants of Health: Claire Pomeroy at TEDxUCDavis
An engaging video that provides real-world scenarios of how social determinants affect American lives.
The social determinants covered in this presentation include socioeconomic status, education, occupation, housing, neighborhood safety, social status, and environmental stressors.
2013, Video Curriculum on Screening for the Social Determinants of Health.
A series of vignettes are included in the curriculum that depicts physicians who are screening for social determinants of health in a clinic-based setting. Each vignette provided has two versions that are considered appropriate and inappropriate based on what a resident physician would screen for when assessing a patient and the determinants of health. The appropriate vignettes modeled various forms of screening such as food insecurity, public benefits, and housing conditions.
2015, From Identification to Advocacy: A Module for Teaching Social Determinants of Health.
The module includes PowerPoint, word documents, and a list of resources to help students become familiar with the social determinants of health. One PowerPoint is geared to help define inequality and inequity when related to determinants of health. The second PowerPoint focuses on the role of an advocate and steps that promote action. The word documents that follow each PowerPoint helps review the material through a series of questions.
2015, CDC. NCHHSTP Atlas. Social Determinants of Health Slides.
A direct link to view maps of the United States of America to see where health inequities are located among populations. Factors such as rate of physicians and vacant housing are addressed to see what populations are most vulnerable to HIV, AIDS, STDs, TB, and hepatitis.
2009, Unnatural Causes: Is inequality making us sick?
Lessons, activities, and learning opportunities for students and teachers are provided to help explore health equity through the use of several case studies.
2012, Social Determinants of Health: Claire Pomeroy at TEDxUCDavis
An engaging video that provides real-world scenarios of how social determinants affect American lives.
The social determinants covered in this presentation include socioeconomic status, education, occupation, housing, neighborhood safety, social status, and environmental stressors.
2013, Video Curriculum on Screening for the Social Determinants of Health.
A series of vignettes are included in the curriculum that depicts physicians who are screening for social determinants of health in a clinic-based setting. Each vignette provided has two versions that are considered appropriate and inappropriate based on what a resident physician would screen for when assessing a patient and the determinants of health. The appropriate vignettes modeled various forms of screening such as food insecurity, public benefits, and housing conditions.
2015, From Identification to Advocacy: A Module for Teaching Social Determinants of Health.
The module includes PowerPoint, word documents, and a list of resources to help students become familiar with the social determinants of health. One PowerPoint is geared to help define inequality and inequity when related to determinants of health. The second PowerPoint focuses on the role of an advocate and steps that promote action. The word documents that follow each PowerPoint helps review the material through a series of questions.
2015, CDC. NCHHSTP Atlas. Social Determinants of Health Slides.
A direct link to view maps of the United States of America to see where health inequities are located among populations. Factors such as rate of physicians and vacant housing are addressed to see what populations are most vulnerable to HIV, AIDS, STDs, TB, and hepatitis.