Health Systems and Health Policy
Each component is structured into domains, which include topic areas and illustrative examples.
1. Organization of Clinical and Public Health System
Topic Areas
A. Clinical health services
Illustrative Examples
Continuum of care – ambulatory, home, hospital, long‐term care; components—pharmaceutical and device industry, healthcare institutions, healthcare providers, biomedical researchers
B. Public health system responsibilities
Core functions of public health, essential services of public health
C. Structure of public health systems
Federal, state, county, and local agencies; boards of health; community-based organizations
D. Collaboration between clinical practice and public health
Reportable diseases and conditions; death certificate completion; emergency response; health education, advocacy
2. Health Services Financing
A. Insurance coverage and reimbursement for clinical services
Variations in service coverage; deductibles; co-pays; provider networks; provider and institutional charges; Medicaid, Medicare
B. Health care for the uninsured or underinsured
Safety net providers including Federally Qualified Health Centers; emergency room use
C. Financing of healthcare institutions
Capital vs. operational budgets, fixed vs. variable costs, sources of financing
D. Financing of public health services
Federal, state, and local taxes; public health budgets
E. Impact on health of different health services financing mechanisms
International comparisons
F. Ethical principles associated with healthcare financing
Distributive justice models, concepts of efficiency and equity; financing objectives and their impact on health and healthcare services (access, primary vs. specialty services, diagnostic and treatment technologies)
3. Clinical and Public Health Workforce
A. Regulating health professionals and healthcare institutions
Certification, licensure, institutional accreditation
B. Discipline‐specific history, philosophy, roles and responsibilities
Diversity in workforce composition to include underrepresented or disadvantaged groups
C. Interprofessional team approach
Joint clinical and public health education and practice
D. Legal and ethical responsibilities of health professionals
Patient privacy/HIPAA, privileged communications, duty to report
4. Health Policy Process
A. Process of health policy making at local, state, and federal levels
Public hearings and comment periods, authorizations vs. appropriations
B. Participation in the policy process
Advisory roles, policy analysis and advocacy
C. Role and impact of policies on health and health care
Impact on the general population, on vulnerable populations, and on health disparities
D. Ethical frameworks for public health decision‐making
Weighing individual needs and community needs; community input and consent; respect for diverse values and beliefs