Clinical Preventive Services
and Health Promotion
Each component is structured into domains, which include topic areas and illustrative examples.
1. Screening
Topic Areas
A. Analysis of screening tests
Illustrative Examples
Range of normal, sensitivity, specificity, predictive value, target population
B. Assessment of health risks
Psychosocial factors, environmental factors, genetic determinants
C. Criteria for successful screening
Effectiveness, benefits and harms, barriers, cost, acceptance by patient
D. Clinician‐patient communication
Patient participation in decision‐making, informed consent, risk communication, advocacy, health literacy
E. Evidence‐based recommendations
Use of evidence-based recommendations such as those of the US Preventive Services Task Force
F. Government requirements
Newborn screening
2. Counseling for Behavioral Change
A. Approaches to behavior change incorporating diverse patient perspectives
Individual and group counseling skills training, motivational interviewing
B. Clinician‐patient communication
Patient participation in decision making, informed consent, risk communication, advocacy, health literacy
C. Criteria for successful counseling
Effectiveness, benefits and harms, cost, acceptance by patient
D. Evidence‐based recommendations
Use of evidence-based recommendations such as those of the US Preventive Services Task Force
3. Immunization
A. Approaches to vaccination
Live vs. attenuated/inactivated vaccine, pre- vs. post-exposure, boosters, techniques for administration, target population, population‐based immunity
B. Criteria for successful immunization
Effectiveness, benefits and harms, cost, acceptance by patient and community
C. Clinician‐patient communication
Patient participation in decision‐making, informed consent, risk communication, advocacy, health literacy
D. Evidence‐based recommendations
Use of evidence-based recommendations such as those of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
E. Government requirements
State laws, school requirements, vaccine exemptions
4. Preventive Medication
A. Approaches to chemoprevention
Pre- vs. post- exposure, time-limited vs. long-term
B. Criteria for successful chemoprevention
Effectiveness, benefits and harms, barriers, cost, acceptance by patient
C. Clinician‐patient communication
Patient participation in decision‐making, informed consent, risk communication, advocacy, health literacy
D. Evidence‐based recommendations
Use of evidence-based recommendations such as those of the US Preventive Services Task Force
5. Other Preventive Interventions
A. Lifestyle interventions
Diet, exercise, smoking cessation
B. Criteria for successful preventive interventions
Effectiveness, benefits and harms, barriers, cost, acceptance by patient
C. Clinician‐patient communication
Patient participation in decision‐making, informed consent, risk communication, advocacy, health literacy
D. Evidence‐based recommendations
Use of evidence-based recommendations such as those of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force